Category: Core Advanced Imago Trainings

  • Giving And Receiving Love

    LIVING WHOLEHEARTEDLYCORE ADVANCED COURSE The fundamental dilemma of all human relationships is this: Why is it so hard to give…
  • From Despair To Repair

    WORKING THROUGH BETRAYALCORE ADVANCED COURSE In the face of a couple’s crisis, there are three different perspectives for the therapist…
  • The Attuned Therapist

    WORKING WITH REACTIVITY AND RESISTANCECORE ADVANCED COURSE This course is designed to teach therapists how to use their own centered,…
  • Brilliant At The Basics

    ADVANCED CLINICAL SKILLS, CORE ADVANCED COURSE Brilliant at the Basics is a lively and interactive course of delving deeper into…
  • Characterological Growth

    Parts Work For Relationships Advanced Course The purpose of being alive is not to be forever happy. That is impossible.…